Express Your Unique Self
with Tech infused Fashion


Location: Seoul, Republic of Korea
Industry: Manufacturing, IT
Year : 2020
Creative Director: Alpa, Tido, Jae
Brand Designer: Roy, JQ
Industrial Designer: Pauljack, Han, Bama
UX Designer: Hoodye, May
Photo: Silver
Tech infused fashion becomes more important than ever for people
who want to express themselves.

1Can you introduce SLASH B SLASH?

SLASH B SLASH is a mobile accessory brand where fashion meets technology. The second flagship store in Korea in Itaewon, Seoul in an attractive way. Based on UWB (Ultra-Wideband) technology,

it provides various products and entertainment in the retail shop based on the user’s location, thereby increasing access to in-store content.

SLASH B SLASH’s products are future-oriented and genderless, and they are characterized by new form that introduces something new to the customers.  

2What makes SLASH B SLASH special?

SLASH B SLASH is a special platform to present digital content. It focuses on collaborating with others to deliver digital content, and SLASH B SLASH identifies its platform with coordinates (with longitude and latitude). This platform is a mystical place that does not exist in the world. The inspiration for SLASH B SLASH items comes from fashion; more specifically, the motif comes from a clothing label/tag. This way, mobile accessories can become a fashion item that helps to express yourself. The bold layout structure of SLASH B SLASH resembles images from fashion magazine. Graphic elements such as slash (/) and the black-colored and wide logo make the form factor trendy, and combine fashion with technology.

3Can you introduce the brand system that presents SLASH B SLASH?

SLASH B SLASH works with other brands and artists to create new content and forms. With this platform, you can highlight each brand and artist. There is no limit for the color spectrum because SLASH B SLASH wants to use colors that can emphasize each brand and represent each artist. The Aventa typeface is used so that we can show how SLASH B SLASH is fashionable, bold, confident, and trendy. To highlight boldness, BOLD and BLACK options are mainly used.

4What is special about the new form factor of SLASH B SLASH?

Tag Case is the flagship product of SLASH B SLASH, and it can offer a fresh experience. Each case has a “Smart Tag” attached to the upper side, which shows that it is SLASH B SLASH. The inspiration for this design motif comes from fashion; a mobile accessory becomes a fashion item.

Each tag is equipped with NFC technology. The iconic product design and durable material give better grip and make the item sturdy.

The basic package includes high-quality box, dust bag, user guide, warranty card, and SLASH B SLASH logo sticker pack. You will feel like you just purchased a fashion item.

5 There is a website with SLASH B SLASH stories and products.

For SLASH B SLASH, the largest keyword is “fashion.” The brand identity is embedded in its website to make it look trendy and fashionable. The brand stories and products are displayed in a magazine format.

The main campaign is presented in wide and bold image, and the graphic element (slash, /) is randomly located with the point color for each campaign. It makes more fashionable and bold appearance. Under the banner, you can see newly released items and best sellers at once.

You can choose the design that you want, and customize the item by choosing the case color and tag color. This results in a case that is only for you. In “Tech System,” you can view detailed information about NFC technology in Smart Tag, which is the symbol of SLASH B SLASH items.

6Meet “Tag Case,” the signature item with NFC technology

The NFC technology in Smart Tag is based on the idea of user authentication. This makes a unique tech system of SLASH B SLASH, combining fashion and technology. If you have your Tag Case, you can enjoy trendy content on application; just run the app and place your phone in the case. Once you do that, there will be Ring Effect and the image of case brand or artist will pop up. Your home screen will show content card, highlighting categories like entertainment, film, game, fashion, etc. You can customize your screen by downloading icon pack, ringtone, and wallpaper with the visual elements from your case.

7SLASH B SLASH collaborates with various brands and artists

SLASH B SLASH presents unique products that are created by collaborating with artists and brands. This collaboration can show how fashionable SLASH B SLASH is, and also present the identity of each brand/artist. In turn, your mobile accessory can be a fashion item, and you can express yourself with this item. This Tag Case looks fashionable, and your screen becomes trendy. You can receive icon pack, wallpaper (updated monthly), brand news, brand/artist lookbook and stories. SLASH B SLASH continues to work on its collaboration, and is expanding its horizon of genre and category to provide an opportunity to enjoy new lifestyle with mobile device.