Choomen’s choice: the most flavorful three meals a day

추멘세끼 Choomensekki

Clients : Leestar TV
Location : Seoul, Korea
Client Industry : F&B
Year : 2022
Creative Director: Tido, JQ
Brand Designer: Didi, Dawn, Gugu, Lumi
Illustrator: Gugu
YouTuber Choomen’s recommended foods for a special event hosted by Lupick


Choomensekki is a ready meal brand developed by Lupick, an event market platform, owned by HoHoHo. YouTuber Leestar(Lee Ju-heon, nicknamed Choomen) famous for soccer entertainment show merchandized his favorite food and introduced it to his fans and consumers with fun and joys through Lupick’s special event.


Choomensekki is a combination of “Choomen” and “Sekki”. Choomen is one of the nicknames of YouTuber Leestar, and Sekki means three meals in Korean. This brand name intends to convey the kitsch sense of humor that goes with the voluble and witty Youtuber. The package cartoonizes the naughty and mischievous image of Choomen with an exaggerated illustration in primary colors. The grid system, which is commonly used and divides cartoon sections in comic books, maximizes comic expression and is a way to keep the continuity of various product groups.


This project earned a lot of attention from people since it didn’t just use the name of an influencer but got the gist of what consumers really want and developed it into a product. It was sold out for the 1st and 2nd sales and reordered for the 3rd time. The accumulated sales reached 13,000 as of now, which broke the sales record of a single product and is thus an exemplary case of Lupick’s influencer collaboration products.