Shop the Unexpected Pleasure
The Event Shopping Platform


Client: Lupick
Location: Seoul, Republic of Korea
Client Industry: e-Commerce
Category: Branding, UX/UI
Year: 2021
Creative Director : Tido
Brand Designer: Roy
UX Designer(HOHOHO): Hoodye, Rani, May
UX Designer(Lupick): Grey, Allena
Illustrator : Gugu, Lumi
Lupick is the first global event market platform with events for all products.
Buy various event products and receive huge Lupick Rewards.

1Can you introduce Lupick?

Lupick is a global event market platform, and is the first of its kind. An “event market” sells items with rewards in the event format. Simply put, all “event items” have rewards for a more enjoyable shopping experience. Let’s say that you purchased an event item and applied for the event. When the application period is closed because there are enough applicants, you can now “vote.”

This voting process selects a “Lupicker.” The Lupicker will receive rewards for that event! To select a Lupicker, users have to vote. This ensures a fair and transparent process. When the voting process is finished, every vote information can be reviewed to ensure transparency of the system.

In short, Lupick is a marketplace for event items. When you buy an event item, you get a chance to experience additional value. You can have a special shopping experience on Lupick.

2Lupick’s brand identity

When you first join Lupick, you will see many circles. Lupick’s symbol is a circle, which can look like a coin. The circular shape can create a more friendly atmosphere, making it easier for users to join the platform. Many platforms have a square-shaped frame; Lupick has more circles to show that Lupick aspires to be fun without restrictions.

You might have noticed that the circles on Lupick are not combined together. Instead, they coexist and stay with the equivalent size and mass. This implies that all users on Lupick are equal when they apply for events, and rewards are shared in a fair way. Then, you might wonder. “What about the square at the end of the Lupick logo?”

This square indicates each pixel, and is a metaphor for Lupick’s voting system. To vote, each user is represented in a pixel and a Lupicker is selected according to the voting results. We can say that the “pixel” process is finished when the rewards are given. Lupick wants to give good luck to users by providing fair and enjoyable events.

3Lupick’s design system

As such, you can see circular and square metaphors. The overall design consists of symbols, which makes it more coherent; the same design idea is applied to event card, item image, button, and icon as well. Lupick’s main colors are yellow and black. This creates a strong contrast, which provides information in a more straightforward way.

The yellow color indicates events and participants, and the black color is a symbol of good luck. This color system is visible in event items, Lupick Reward, and Lupicker who is selected in a transparent voting system. Also, there is a sub color; the refreshing sky-blue color makes it easier to read visual information. Plus, this color goes well with the main colors.

The typography called Gilroy Bold is found in the headline. This font has a circular shape with edge at the end, which is a metaphor for Lupick. For the body text, Nanum Bareun Gothicis used to enhance readability and give a sense of integrity.

4Lupick’s mascot “Boknam” and its renewal

Boknam is a character that was born out of two ideas; there is a yellow ball (representing Lupick) and a black ball (representing Lupicker). Boknam promotes Lupick in a more friendly manner. The Lupick v1.1 update was made, and now we have a new version of Boknam!

You can discover Boknam in the app profile thumbnail, Pull to Refresh, and banner. Boknam has a background story, which builds a solid character identity. Boknam was a new hire who expected a smooth sailing office life.

But Boknam goes through turbulent times, and now you can see how Boknam frowns with one eyebrow. Recently, Boknam is more easily irritated because of heavy workload as a first-year marketer at a startup (and they apparently give other tasks to Boknam too).

Refresh Animation – Sketch 1

Refresh Animation – Final 1

Refresh Animation – Sketch 2

Refresh Animation – Final 2

5The Lupick App provides a more enjoyable experience

Lupick is an e-commerce platform that offers events to customers. The home tab is replaced with the “event” tab, and new policies were designed. The content from this tab has become various event items, which strengthens the identity as an event market. For Lupick, current participation rate and remaining time are important information to note.

If there are events with high participation rate and low remaining time (i.e. there are many people purchasing the event item and there is not much time left), the users would want to notice. Lupick tries to provide such information for a more convenient shopping experience. Lupick’s special events have various concepts and themes. There is full-screen visual content, which shows that there is a single theme for all events under the same category. To attract users, there is a friendly text information.

A quiz has been added so that customers will visit more often. This simple and fun quiz enables more active interaction with customers. Also, there are articles such as Lupick stories and interviews with Lupickers. By the way, you don’t need to scroll much to view content on Lupick. The main content is found in the “main feed” for a more flexible display. In “my page,” you can view and manage your events, and find your Lupick Point.

At the top of the page, there is “Lupick Point Wallet,” which is an important feature. With this wallet, you can see how many points you own and when you used your points. You can zoom in to see each event status, and find items via quick menu. You can search for all event items that you purchased, or see all event items that you won. This offers a better experience with Lupick.  

6Transparent and fair voting system

Lupick is made possible thanks to the users on this platform. Users participate in event application, voting, and reward process. The voting system selects a Lupicker. Many users get excited to join this process, and are curious about how this system works. When you vote, you can see multiple windows because you might be able to vote for many times if you purchased many items. The information about the range of numbers is displayed so that there is no misunderstanding about how it works. The “random voting” button provides another option, which can make the process more convenient when you vote for many times. The results are released when all users are done. Before the results are out, you cannot know the user number or the number of votes. A user votes for Lupicker directly by selecting a number. This is for a transparent and fair system.  

7Lucky Lupicker

Choosing a Lupicker is the key feature, and many users are excited for this moment. The results are not immediately released; instead, you can tap on a circle like tapping on a secret lucky box to see the results.

If you are selected as a Lupicker, you will see a congratulations message with the image of Lupick Reward and circular firework effect.

Lupick gives good luck, but that doesn’t mean you will always be selected. In such cases, there is a sorry message. You don’t have to be a Lupicker all the time; at Lupick, there is always a chance to be lucky.

8Ideal CMS for managing Lupick services

There is an optimized content management system for this new event market platform. In the dashboard, you can view the current status. The “management” items are different for each level (Master or Luky), which enhances work efficiency. With the main feature, it is possible to create regular event, point event, and free event. The users who join each event can have a fresh experience. In case of a regular event, event item and reward price can be entered to automatically calculate margin and discount rate. With this function, Luky can easily plan an event. Moreover, there is a template for event details, which makes it easier to create a page for event details. Each event progress status is at the top of the page so that it is easier to manage event. You can also go through each open screen to check records. Other than that, you can easily post articles like Lupick Story, or manage special event, quiz, feed, etc. You don’t need a pop-up message to see the content status because there is information from a tag.

9Lupick’s current accomplishments, and what’s more

In July 2020, Lupick launched the beta version of its mobile application. Since then, Lupick has provided its service by thinking about returning benefits to customers. Lupick aspires to become an unrivaled “event market” by improving shopping experience and value, and does it by providing event and interactive content.

To renew its mobile app, it was necessary to review the service strategy, orientation, UX, design, and content. As of April 2022, the user increase rate is going up by 43% on average per month.

The number of all events is 456+, and the overall number of users who joined event is 130,000+.  You can also join the Lupick experience, which strives to be a fresh and enjoyable platform.