Little café in my hand that switches on vibes


Clients : Lupick, The Amond
Location : Seoul, Republic of Korea
Industry : Lifestyle
Category : Product, Branding
Year : 2022
Creative Director : Tido, JQ, Jae
Product Designer : Bama, Ori
Brand Designer : May
We aim to convey a sense of comfort and warmth,
like enjoying a brunch with sunshine in the late afternoon.


SUNNY SIDE UP is a portable lamp which resembles a sunny side up egg as its name suggests with the theme of brunch and is made in collaboration between Lupick, an event market platform, and The Amond, a furniture brand.

Under the slogan of “little café in my hand that switches on vibes,” the brand tries to convey the warmth we can feel at brunch time. While other lamp products on the market have long cables attached to the body, this lamp enables wireless charging in order to be differentiated from the rest. We devised this product to help users to be able to use it anywhere, anytime.


The lighting of SUNNY SIDE UP is motivated by brunch. The concept of brunch is well infused in the brand identity. The product package uses a large and bold typography, and an actual egg image is boldly displayed on jam-packed texts. An actual sunny side up image is drawn on the top of the package to bring up the image of a lamp head resembling sunny side up which can be seen once opening the box. On the back of the package, there are images of a broken egg shell and eggs in a carton in order to give an impression of buying a trendy food package not an electronic item. The white lamp head and metal body makes SUNNY SIDE UP more unique. It is compact and portable and fits in anywhere including a terrace table at brunch time and a nursery with a nursery night light. Users can easily turn on and off the light by touching any parts of the metal body. It is designed to touch and change the brightness by 3 levels depending on the moods. It has no cables which can spoil the interior but is equipped with tray-shaped wireless charger looking like a sunny side up on a tray which enables wireless charging anywhere you want. It has higher practical value since not only the light but also any other wireless charging products such as mobile phones and air-pods can be charged on the tray. Users can also customize the tray charger using brunch stickers.


SUNNY SIDE UP is a compact-size portable lamp with wireless charging function and fits in anywhere. SUNNY SIDE UP is on sale on Lupick, an event market platform, and stocked on lifestyle select shops and shopping platforms. SUNNY SIDE UP will spread further with various collaborations.

Portable Lamp
Wireless Charging Dock
C-Type Cable
Brunch Sticker Pack