NEXON PRIME Limited Package 2022


Clients : NEXON
Location : Seoul, South Korea
Client Industry: Online/Mobile Game
Category: Packaging, Product
Year : 2022
Directions : Tido, Jae
Designers : JQ, Bama, Didi, Dawn, Ori, River, Evan, Dave, Lumi
Premium Package for Nexon Prime Members and Better Gaming Environment


Nexon Prime Service is a high-end service provided only for the top 1% users who put much love and time into Nexon’s games. The Membership of a Prime Member is granted on a 6-month basis. Following last year, we provided various optional products and a welcome package to Prime Members, and in 2022, we successfully reinvented the package filed with more advanced products and contents only for Prime Members.


For the 2022 welcome package, we created products tailored to diverse interests by discovering practical items that can make gaming environment better and actively utilizing IPs of Nexon games.

In addition, the new Prime Package is separated from the existing welcome package coming with the existing items, and the optional product line exclusive for the Prime Members is further expanded, helping the members enjoy more diverse items.

We also selected representative games for each season and applied the season theme color extracted from the colors representing a game to the overall branding. By strengthening the prime heritage of Nexon in a continuous and solid way, we established a premium service on the next level.


The simpler and more compact welcome package is near perfection. This high-quality package provides an advance premium service of Nexon Prime and more practical items with a wider range of choices that take users’ satisfaction one step further.

The limited-edition products with Nexon’s various game IPs let Prime Members collect them more meaningfully with pride and satisfaction. Ultimately, it makes the non-Prime Members wish and desire to be a next Prime Member.