Stop Hairloss with Beautiful Scents

TS Shampoo

Clients: TS Shampoo
Location: Seoul, South Korea
Client Industry: Cosmetic, Beauty
Category: Branding, Packaging
Year: 2021
Creative Director: Jae
Designers: JQ, Roy, Loopy
A day feels better with fragrant hair instead of the dull scent of hair loss control shampoo

The Introduction

TS Shampoo is a premium anti-hair loss shampoo brand that ranks high in the market. Now, the concern about hair loss is no longer exclusive to the elderly, but is pertaining to all age groups, including those in their 20s and 30s.

Since the previous hair loss shampoos didn’t satisfy the need for “fragrance”, TS Shampoo developed the TS La Perfume line, which injected a sensible fragrance to the functionality, to meet the needs of consumers. Accordingly, the new line needs to create a new image position and package.

The Solution

We aimed to intuitively and luxuriously express the “fragrance” catering for the age and sensibility of the target group watching home shopping channels, which is TS Shampoo’s main sales platform.

The main graphic adopts a collage format to emphasize the unique scent of TS created by mixing various raw ingredients. Since a combination of several images was incorporated, a halftone effect was used to blend it well, and a line graphic reminiscent of a diffuser stick was added on top of it to express the subtle spread of fragrance. This graphic system allows newly-released fragrances to keep and expand the continuity of package at the same time.

In addition, shampoo and treatment are composed of translucent materials and materials with pearls respectively, so that they are easily distinguished by different colors and materials.

The Result

A slew of consumers’ perception of the “anti-hair loss shampoo” and “TS Shampoo” used to be something about a green bottle and functionality. But now, it has expanded to the realm of “fragrance” to attract the younger generation and all ages. The TS La Perfume lineup elicited a positive response from consumers in home shopping sales and opened a new paradigm in the domestic functional shampoo field with a fresh and luxurious image going beyond the image of therapeutic and functional products.